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Story Class

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  1. Write every day. You may prefer to write a new short scene every day, or work on a long-term, writing project. You might have a daily minimum of one paragraph, or an entire page. But if you take any advice from this page, stick to one important habit: write every single day.
    • If you can't find room in your schedule, try getting up early or going to bed late, even if you can only spare fifteen minutes.
  2. Write your way through writer's block. Don't be so afraid to write something "bad" that you end up staring at a blank document.[1] Getting anything on the page at all can help you get started. Write about how you're stuck and can't think of something to write, or describe an object in the room in painfully exhaustive detail, or rant about something that irritates you. A few minutes of this will often put you in "writing mode" and lead you to another idea.
    • Look online, in bookstores, or in libraries for collections of writing prompts. These are designed to give you a starting point to work from, and are often ridiculous to spark your imagination and get you started.
  3. Challenge yourself. If you've been writing for a while, chances are good that you keep getting drawn back to a particular style, topic, or format. Practicing a favorite type of writing is a great way to keep yourself motivated, but make an effort to vary your writing exercises once in a while. Deliberately tackling new and difficult challenges is vital for improvement in any field.[2] Try these challenges as exercises, whether or not you're interested in polishing the end result:
    • If your writing projects or your narrators all sound similar, try a different style. Imitate another author, or combine the styles of two authors.[3]
    • If most of your writing is for a blog, or for one long project, take a break from it. Think of a topic that could never fit into your usual writing project, and write about it. (For a followup challenge, rewrite the piece so it could fit into your project.
    4.Trade feedback with a group of supportive writers. Invite feedback on your writing, and offer to read other writers' drafts. Welcome honest criticism offered as advice for improvement, but keep your writing away from friends who act dismissive or negative.[4][5] There's a big difference between useful critique, and disheartening negativity.
    • Look for online communities such as Scribophile or WritersCafe, or search for a more niche community on a specific type of writing.
    • Check your local library and community centers for information on local writing clubs.
    • You could even practice writing on a wiki, such as wikiHow or Wikipedia. This lets you help people as you practice, and might be one of the largest communal writing projects you ever undertake.
    5. Commit yourself to a writing schedule with other people. If you have trouble getting around to your writing projects, make a commitment to other people to give yourself external motivation. Get a pen pal to write letters to on a regular schedule, or start a blog with weekly updates. Find a writing contest a few weeks in the future, and promise to submit an entry. Join a writing challenge, whether that's a single writing session with a group of friends, or NaNoWriMo's annual "novel in a month" extravaganza.
    6. Rewrite the pieces you care about. The first draft of a story always has room for improvement, and often ends up looking quite different after a few revisions.[6] Once you've written a piece that attracts your attention, go through the "finished" piece of writing and find sentences, paragraphs, or whole pages you're dissatisfied with. Rewrite a scene from a different character's perspective, try out alternative plot developments, or change the order of events. If you're not sure why you dislike a passage, rewrite it without referring to the original, then see what you like best in each version. Scrapping a beloved passage and starting again can be incredibly tough, so much so that writers have been phrasing this advice as "murder your darlings" for over a century.[7

    Part 2 of 3: Learning Vital Skills

    1. 1
      Read as much as you can. Writers have a passion for the written word, and there's no better way to stoke that passion than to read. Read as widely as possible, from magazines to young adult novels to history dissertations, although you don't need to feel pressure to finish everything you pick up.[8] Reading builds vocabulary, teaches grammar, provides inspiration, and shows you what can be done with language. For the beginning writer, reading may be just as important as the actual writing.[9]
      • If you're not sure what to read, ask for recommendations from friends, or visit a library and pick a couple books from each section.

    Expand your vocabulary. While you're reading, keep a dictionary and thesaurus on hand, or write down unfamiliar words to look up later. World class writers have argued over whether to use simple words, or employ sesquipedalian verbiage. That's something for you to decide in your own writing, but not before you learn which tools are available.
    • Dictionary definitions often don't provide an intuitive sense of how to use a word. Search for the word online and read it in context to get a better understanding.
    3.Learn the rules of grammar. Sure, there are plenty of famous, excellent books written in non-standard grammar, but learning grammar isn't just about memorizing a set of rules. Studying how a sentence is put together, and how punctuation is used to structure it, gives you the knowledge you need to express yourself the way you intend. If you think this may be a weak point for you, study an English textbook, or find a writing tutor.

    Tailor your writing to your purpose and your audience. Just as you change your clothing for the weather and the occasion, you should also change your writing for your audience and your message. Flowery writing, for example, might fit better in a poem than in a status report. Make sure that your word choice and sentence length is not too difficult (or too simplistic) for your audience, if you are addressing a specific group. Avoid specialized jargon when speaking to someone unfamiliar with the topic. 

    Part 3 of 3: Completing a Writing Project, from Start to Finish

    1. Be a Good Writer Step 08.jpg
      Brainstorm before starting to write. While thinking about what to write, put down any idea that comes to you, even if it seems far-fetched or unlikely to be successful. One mediocre idea may lead to a better one.
    2. 2
      Choose a topic you would like to read about. Find a topic that grabs your attention and thrills you. Your excitement and interest will make it easier for you to keep the project going and keep it to a high standard, and hopefully it will rub off on the reader as well.
    3. 3
      Decide on a rough form for your project. A serious writing project doesn't need to be a full-length book. Crafting a short story can be a difficult and rewarding challenge, and may be a more time-effective way to practice your skills.
      1. 4
        Write down ideas. Keep a notebook for writing down observations, overheard conversations, and sudden ideas encountered in your daily life. When you read or hear something that makes you laugh, think, or want to repeat it to someone else, write it down and think about what makes it effective.
        • You may use this notebook to write down unfamiliar words as well.

      2. 5
        Plan your writing. Use whatever technique works best for you, or try out several if you don't have an established process yet. You can make an outline, put a collection of notes on cards and arrange them until they are in order, or draw a tree or map. Your outline may have nothing but a rough order of the events or topics covered, or it may be a more detailed scene-by-scene summary. Building some kind of structure in advance can help keep you going on days when you're feeling low on creativity.[10]
        • There are many types of organizational software for writers, such as Scrivener or TheSage.
        • It's fine to deviate from your plan, but if you abandon it entirely, stop and consider the reasons behind the chance. Build a new plan to guide you through the altered work, and keep you thinking consciously about how you want to get through it.

      3. 6
        Research your subject. While a work of nonfiction requires you to know your subject, even a fiction book will benefit from research. If your main character is a glassblower, read a book on glassblowing and use the right terminology. If you are writing a book set before you were born, interview people who lived during that time, or who spoke to parents and grandparents who did.
        • In the case of fiction writing, you may be able to dive in to the first draft before you start your research.

        Write the first draft quickly. Try writing without pause for as long as you can. Do not stop to change your word choice or correct your grammar, spelling, or punctuation. This is one of the most common recommendations for making sure that you actually finish what you start. 
        1. 8
          Rewrite. Once you have a first draft, reread it and rewrite it. You are looking for errors in grammar and spelling as well as style, content, organization, and coherence. If there are any passages you dislike, get rid of them and write them again from scratch. Critiquing your own work is an important skill, and it takes plenty of practice, just like writing itself. .
          • Give yourself time between writing and editing, if at all possible. It is better to wait a good length of time, but even a short break can give you some of the necessary distance and detachment to edit well.
        2. 9
          Share your work with an audience. Get feedback on your work in progress from interested readers, whether they are friends, fellow writers, or readers of your writing blog. Try to accept criticism without getting angry or upset; even if you don't agree with the specifics, knowing what parts of your work people dislike can be valuable for focusing your editing.
        3. 10
          Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. Don't be afraid to make drastic changes, even cutting whole sections of the project or rewriting it from a different character's perspective. Continue the cycle of feedback and editing as you explore how to perfect your work. If it feels like running in place, remember you are practicing skills that will help you in all your future writing. You can always take a break to write something fun and ridiculous, just to remind yourself that writing can be a blast.


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