বুধবার, ১৯ আগস্ট, ২০১৫

About Unstoppable Course of Alexandra Frazen

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My email address is: alexandra@alexandrafranzen.com.
This is my only email address. I personally read absolutely every note I receive.
PS. Here is my address for non-electronic mail (my favorite kind):
Alexandra Franzen
3439 NE Sandy Blvd #211
Portland, OR 97232

You want to write. But then you don’t.
You feel inspired to blog. But then Netflix happens.
You set the intention to finish your book. But then… ooh, look! An email to answer.
This isn’t the person you really are — or the person you want to be. Living in a state of creative constipation, unfocused annoyance, and half-finished-not-quite-started-ness.
You are capable of more.
You can change your habits and attitudes. You can get through the resistance.
As a writer and human being: you can become unstoppable.
This course can help.
What is it?
Unstoppable is a course for people who say things like “I want to become a better writer” or “I’ve always wanted to write a book” or “I’d really love to start blogging more often.”
People who say those things. But then don’t do them — or don’t do them as consistently as they’d like.

When does it start?
Unstoppable is an online course that you complete at your own pace.
You have access to the materials forever.
It starts the moment you sign up!

What does each lesson include?
There are 10 lessons in total.
Each lesson includes:
— A powerful story that will motivate you to keep writing even when it’s tough, frustrating or scary.
— An audio recording (if you prefer to listen rather than read).
— A writing challenge & music playlist.
— An interview with one of my personal heroes — martial artists, opera singers, marathon runners, authors — people who exemplify an unstoppable spirit.
What am I going to learn, exactly?
After teaching over 700 students — and polling my 10,000 newsletter subscribers — I’ve identified 10 common blocks that stop people from writing. Even when they want to. Very badly.
On each day of Unstoppable, we tackle a new block.
Here they are:
I don’t write because…
1. I literally have NO time.
2. I can’t stay focused.
3. I have zero ideas.
4. I have way too many ideas.
5. I’m afraid of being criticized.
6. I’m afraid of hurting people I love.
7. I’m afraid of “oversharing” and embarrassing myself.
8. It’s all been said before — and somebody else said it better.
9. Nobody’s reading my stuff. So why bother?
10. I am super perfectionistic and nothing I write is EVER good enough.
Sound familiar?
This course is for you.


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